Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro v6.3.6

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ACF PRO includes extra fields & features to better develop websites including PHP Blocks, Repeatable Fields, Page Building tools, Media Galleries and Custom Options Pages.

PRO Feature #1

The Repeater Field

The repeater field allows you to create a set of sub fields which can be repeated again, and again, and again.

Any type of field can be added as a sub field which allows you to create and manage very customized data with ease!

PRO Feature #2

ACF Blocks

Discover a powerful PHP-based framework for developing custom block types.

ACF blocks are highly customisable and powerfully dynamic. They integrate deeply with custom fields allowing PHP developers to create bespoke solutions inline with the modern WordPress block editor and theme development.

PRO Feature #3

The Flexible Content Field

The flexible content field is a complete content layout manager!

Define groups of sub fields (layouts) and add, edit, and re-order them to create highly customized content!

PRO Feature #4

Options Pages

The options page provides a set of functions to add extra admin pages to edit ACF fields!

All data saved on an options page is global and can be displayed on any page throughout the website (good for header and footer data)!

PRO Feature #5

The Gallery Field

The gallery field provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing a collection of images.

Multiple images can be added, edited and sorted with ease!

PRO Feature #6

The Clone field

The clone field allows you to reuse existing fields and field groups on demand!


With lots of powerful settings, this field unlocks a more efficient workflow for managing field settings.

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